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Category: Business cases

Secure way to create change email process

Secure way to create change email process

Some time ago I faced a challenge to design secure method for change email process in our authentication service. Every system has an user and usually uses the email address as a login to the systems. Moreover, they use email address for the purpose of communication with the end user. Even if we had an artificial login name in system, we should still care about the way, how we communicate with the user. Additionally systems use email address for forget…

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Najtańszy hosting dla projektów webowych – GitHub Pages

Najtańszy hosting dla projektów webowych – GitHub Pages

Ostatnio dość długo poszukiwałem dobrego miejsca do uruchamiania moich drobnych projektów. Myślałem o różnego rodzaju hostingach potrafiących udostępniać strony www. Rozważałem między innymi takie możliwości jak hosting dla .NET, chmura dla różnych technologii np. Node. Jednak najbardziej interesujące okazało się najprostsze rozwiązanie. Znalazłem możliwość, aby GitHub hostował moje pliki. Jest to usługa GitHubPages. Co więcej jest ona dostępna za darmo. Co to jest GitHub Pages GitHub Pages pozwala hostować statyczne pliki w dwóch opcjach: dla profilu użytkownika i dla konkretnego…

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Knowledge transfer situations

Knowledge transfer situations

Knowledge transfer Source As we can see, based on previous text and also our own experience, changes within the project team can be hard for team members working on the project. There are two cases: somebody left the team somebody join the team Both are quite different. In the first case, we need to spread knowledge among the team members in limited time and produce some deliverables describing them. In the second one, the information flow goes in opposite direction….

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Knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer One of the most important part of every project is knowledge. Without appropriate knowledge we can’t make any project successfully. Project’s life is usually much longer than the time of software production. After the process of project creation, we have to support it in its every day use. Knowledge connected with each project could be generally divided into two parts: technical business In order to create value to future users programmers would need a business knowledge, but to…

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