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Category: Development problems

How I broke WordPress site

How I broke WordPress site

For the last two months, I was taking a little break with writing a blog. I wanted to finish writing my book and close some other projects. I succeeded. I also have an idea to use this time to work a bit on my blog. I decided to move it to another hosting server. That my adventures begins. I installed it on the new server and migrate all the content. The deciding moment was changing in the domain configuration. The only things that I needed to do are: change DNS addresses and Wordpress address in its configuration.

Angular – KendoUI Grid – How to integrate it properly

Angular – KendoUI Grid – How to integrate it properly

If you want to use both Angular and Kendo UI components sooner or later you will need to integrate this two libraries. The majority of this task is quite easy and well documented (, but the tricky part is in integration with Angular $http service (or in Angular factories in general). You can use standard Kendo Grid functionality like: As you can see, you should add some data to each request and also there is custom behaviour when this request…

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Visual Studio – TypeScript version problem

Visual Studio – TypeScript version problem

TypeScript project with Angular in Visual Studio – beginner problem When you start writing your first project in TypeScript in Visual Studio you can notice some annoying behaviour. At first, you probably have installed TypeScript and configured project. Then you have started reading some tutorials. In my case, I started with tutorial: When I have started following this lessons, I noticed that hundreds of errors appears. Surprisingly, they were not in my code, but in Angular TypeScript definition file – angular.d.ts. I saw that…

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