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Tag: test

Selenium accessibility testing

Selenium accessibility testing

Beside of the normal usage, Selenium WebDriver has a lot of extra capabilities. The one of the most clever and not usual use of end-to-end testing is checking if web page fulfills accessibility rules.

Accessibility is a very broad topic, but there are some guidelines how to create the web application, that people with some disabilities (visual, hearing or manual) can use it. If we learn how to do this and on what elements we should focus to provide the accessible web site, it turns out to be very simple. There is few number of rules keep and that’s it. Screen readers or other software will take care of the rest.

3 questions to ask before you start testing

3 questions to ask before you start testing

Before we start testing, we should ask yourself some very important questions.

– Why do we want to test? – is helps us to answer the next question
– When do we need to start testing?
– What do we want to test?

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